Does the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) make strategic use of his members?
Cases in the CJEU areprepared by a “judge-rapporteur” who acts as an agenda setter. I argue that the President builds the Court’s legitimacy by strategically allocating cases to select judges.
Using original data on 9623 case allocations (1980-2015), I argue that suspicions about judges’ political accountability can polarize already politicized debates. The President circumvents such dynamicsby appointing a rapporteur whose government holds moderate political preferences. However, he considers governmental preferencesand disagreements mainly when case law is not yet developed. This may also contribute to explaining judges individual-level specialization, which arguably favors the construction of a coherent case law.
The results speak to the lingering effect of judges’ renewable terms – despite secret voting – as well as the importance of courts internalorganization for judicial independence.