Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

EU Law Litigation: Who Litigates, Who Influences Judges, What Downstream Effects?

(2025) Empirical Legal Studies of EU Law. D. Naurin, U. Sadl, & J. Zglinski (Eds.). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp X-XX. In this chapter, we situate EU law litigation in a broader comparative context by answering three questions: who litigates EU law, who influences ECJ decisions, with what downstream effects?

External strategic interactions - the CJEU in relation with other actors

What are the strategic considerations guiding decision making by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)?

Important challenges in European governance. Judicialization of Europe

Master's level. University of Copenhagen. Department of Political Science. 2024

The European Court of Justice, an able and unwilling lawmaker: evidence from 920 free movement of persons judgments

(2024) Revisiting Judicial Politics in the European Union, Edward Elgar Publishing. pp 282-304. This chapter inquires whether the European Court of Justice (the Court, ECJ) authoritatively settles or cautiously avoids salient legal matters in times of political division.

The CJEU Database Platform: Decisions and Decision-Makers

(2023) The Journal of Law and Courts, 11(2), pp. 389-410 We introduce data on decisions and decision makers in the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Judicial behavior: Decision makers in the CJEU

I open the black box of the decision-making process to consider governments’ and judges’ strategic behavior in the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

Building legitimacy: strategic case allocations in the Court of Justice of the European Union

(2020) Journal of European Public Policy, 27(8), pp 1215-1235 Best papers from the European Union Studies Association 2019 Biennial Conference in Denver, USA.