Statistical models beyond linear regression (2025)

Master’s level. University of Copenhagen. Department of Political Science. 2025

Here you can find the slides and other material used for the different lectures.

Learning the basics

We will spend our first weeks familiarizing with R and linear models (OLS).

Week 1: Introduction

Hermansen 2023, ch. 1-4, p. 19-70

We start by familiarizing with the topic of statistical models when the main assumptions underlying linear models (OLS) are not present. We then move on to R.


The best way to follow the class, is to code along. You can find info on how to install R (the statistical software) and RStudio (the interface) here or here.

Week 2: Descriptive statistics and graphical display

Hermansen 2023, ch. 5-6, p. 73-119

You have had the time to familiarize with base R, functions and objects. Let’s piece this together, and explore two new dialects: ggplot2 for graphical display and tidyverse for data manipulation/recoding.


If you haven’t installed the RiPraksis package, you may fetch the data here: kap6.rda.

Week 3: Linear models and non-linear effects

Hermansen 2023, ch. 7-9, p. 123-194; Gelman 2007, ch 3-4, p. 29-79; Berry 2012, p 653-671; King Tomz and Wittenberg 2000

We will spend the week familiarizing with non-linear effects in linear models (interaction effects) and how to interpret model results.



Problem set:

The data we will be working on are a subset of the replication data for “Blurred Lines betwen electoral and parliamentary representation: The use of constituency staff among Members of the European Parliament” European Union Politics (2023).

You can download the data here: MEP2014.rda

When data is structured

Week 4-5: Hierarchical/multilevel models

Gelman and Hill (2007), ch 11-13, p. 235-299

We start by going through the assumptions of the linear model in order to transition to instances where observations share common characteristics (they are not i.i.d.). We then go through the opportunities offered by hierarchical models: varying intercepts, varying slopes, 2-level regression and how these models pool information.



Problem set:

You can download the data I use to exemplify linear assumptions (MEP2014.rda) and hierarchical structures (MEP.rda) here.

Complete syllabus

Please familiarize with the syllabus.

Download the syllabus

Course plan

Week Topic Date Reading
1 Introduction to R as a statistics software 03.02; 05.02 @Hermansen2023, ch. 1-4, p. 19-70
2 Descriptive statistics and graphical display 10.02; 12.02 @Hermansen2023, ch. 5-6, p. 73-119
3 Linear regression 17.02; 19.02 @Hermansen2023, ch. 7-9, p. 123-194
@Gelman2007, ch 3-4, p. 29-79
4-5 Hierarchical data structures 24.02; 26.03 @Gelman2007, ch 11-12, p. 235-278
03.03; 05.03 @Gelman2007, ch 13, p. 279-300
@Gelman2007, ch 14-15, p. 301-342
6 Binary outcomes (logistic regression) 10.03; 12.03 @Ward2018, ch. 3, p. 43-78
@Ward2018, ch. 6, p. 119-132
@Gelman2007, ch. 6, p. 109-134 (supplementary reading)
7-8 Categorical outcomes (multinomial and ordered logistic regression) 17.03; 19.03; 24.03; 26.03 @Ward2018, ch. 8-9, p. 141-189
Assignment 1 is given 26.03
9 Workshop week 31.03; 02.04 Assignment 1 presentation, Assignment helpdesk, Dynamic reporting
10-11 Count outcomes (poisson, negative binomial and hurdle models) 07.04; 09.04 Linear Digressions: podcast on poisson distribution
@Ward2018, ch. 10, p. 190-216
@Gelman2007, ch. 6, p. 109-134 (supplementary reading)
Assignment 1 due (optional) 11.04
Spring break
11-12 Event history data (survival models) 23.04; 28.04; 30.04 @Ward2018, ch. 11, p. 190-216
Assignment 2 is given 30.04
13 Workshop week 05.05; 07.05 Practitioner visit (Epinion); helpdesk postponed SUBJECT TO CHANGE
14 Missing data 12.05; 14.05 @Ward2018, ch 12, p. 249-270
@Gelman2007, ch 25, p. 529-545
Assignment 2 is due 16.05
15 Recap 19.05
Deadline portfolio exam 01.06


Berry, William D., Matt Golder, and Daniel Milton. 2012. “Improving Tests of Theories Positing Interaction”". The Journal of Politics.

Gelman, Andrew, and Jennifer Hill. 2007. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Leiden: Cambridge University Press.

Hermansen, Silje Synnøve Lyder. 2023. R i praksis - en introduktion for samfundsvidenskaberne. 1st ed. Copenhagen: DJØF Forlag.

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. “Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science. 44 (2): 341–55.

Ward, Michael D., and John S. Ahlquist. 2018. Maximum Likelihood for Social Science: Strategies for Analysis. Analytical Methods for Social Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Silje Synnøve Lyder Hermansen
Assistant Professor

Silje’s research concerns democratic representation in courts and parliaments. She also teaches various courses in research methods and comparative politics.
