Master's level. University of Copenhagen. Department of Political Science. 2024
# Advanced statistical analysis for political scientists. We go through the fundamental principals of causal inference as well as the most common generalized linear models (GLMs). Course given together with Øyvind Stiansen.
Master's level. University of Copenhagen. Department of Political Science. 2024
# Advanced statistical analysis for political scientists. We go through the fundamental principals of causal inference as well as the most common generalized linear models (GLMs). Course given together with Øyvind Stiansen.
PhD level. University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Law. 2023
# Introduction to R for interdisciplinary studies.
`RiPraksis`-pakken giver dig adgang til datasæt og øvelsesløsninger, der hører til bogen Lær dig R. Her finder du vejledning til, hvordan du kan downloade denne ressource.
Master's level. University of Copenhagen. Department of Political Science. 2023
(2023) DJØF, Copenhagen, 224 p. Velkommen til R-universet! R i praksis er en introduktion til dig, der ønsker et godt arbejdsværktøj til statistisk analyse.
Master's/PhD level. University of Oslo. Department of Political Science. 2020
# Advanced statistical analysis for political scientists. We go through the fundamental principals of causal inference as well as the most common generalized linear models (GLMs). Course given together with Øyvind Stiansen.
`laerdegR`-pakken er en nettressurs som gir deg tilgang til datasett og oppgaveløsninger som hører til Lær deg R-boka. Her finner du instrukser til hvordan laste denne ned.
(2019) Fagbokforlaget, Oslo, 224 p. Velkommen til R-universet! Lær deg R er introduksjonen for deg som lærer statistisk analyse.
Introduction to research methods (Bachelor's level). Course given together with Mathias Johannessen.